Welcome to Blingz.lk. The Blingz.lk site, Blingz.lk portable and iPad applications, and our versatile Blingz.lk site is, on the whole, the "Blingz.lk Properties" and each independently is a "Blingz.lk Property." By using any Blingz.lk Property and its related services, items, and programming, you consent to be bound by these terms and conditions ("Terms"). You additionally acknowledge the Terms when you make a record, make a buy as a visitor, or sign in to any Blingz.lk Property. Extra or separate terms may apply to your cooperations with other Blingz.lk sites, Blingz.lk areas, and to your using of individual services or highlights accessible on a Blingz.lk Property, for example, surveys. To the degree that the arrangements of any extra terms strife with these Terms, the arrangements of the extra terms will administer. References to "Blingz.lk," "Nerd Squad," "our," "we," or "us" may allude to Blingz.lk Co., Inc., Blingz.lk, LLC, Blingz.lk Stores, L.P., Blingz Solutions, Inc., Blingz Enterprise Services, Inc. what's more, their members, auxiliaries, and designers. We may roll out improvements to any Blingz.lk Property and the Terms. It is your duty to survey the Terms for updates or changes. In the event that you don't concur with the Terms, you ought not to use the Blingz.lk Properties.

Use of the Blingz.lk Properties

You may use the Blingz.lk Properties for your own, noncommercial use as it were. You may not use any Blingz.lk Property in the event that you are younger than 13. On the off chance that you are between the ages of 13 and 18, you may use the Blingz.lk Properties just with the inclusion of a parent or guardian.


Your using of the Blingz.lk Properties is liable to our Privacy Policy. If you don't mind audit the arrangement for additional on how we gather and use information.

Information on Our Site

We attempt to be as exact as conceivable with the data we display on the Blingz.lk Properties. We will attempt sensible endeavors to precisely show the qualities of the items we offer. We don't warrant that item depiction or other substance is exact, finished, or blunder free. Costs and advancements are liable to change and may differ from those offered in our store. We can't affirm the accessibility or cost of a thing until the point when you submit your request. In spite of our earnest attempts, now and then a thing in our list may not be accessible, the offer may have been misquoted, or a thing might be mispriced. For any of these reasons, we may scratch off your request or we may reach you for guidelines on the request.

Paying for Your Order/ Shipping Policy

By and large, we'll charge your card for a thing when we send the thing to you or affirm its accessibility in store. Be that as it may, we may pre-authorize your request sum with your credit or check card backer at the time you submit the request, which may affect your accessible credit line. When you pre-arrange with a charge card, we'll charge your card when you submit the pre-request. For uncommon conveyance things, we'll charge your card when you affirm a conveyance time. For advanced things, we'll charge your card when you start the download of the item or the item is put on your record and accessible for using.

Order Confirmation

Our request affirmation for you doesn't connote our acknowledgment of your request, nor does it constitute the affirmation of our offer to offer. Whenever after receipt of your request, we may acknowledge, decrease, or place amount or different points of confinement on your request for any reason. We may force these breaking points on a for each individual, per-family unit, pre-arrange, or some other premise. In the event that we reject, restrain, or generally change your request, we will endeavor to advise you utilizing the email deliver you give to us. In the event that we scratch off a request or part of a request that we've officially charged you for, we'll discount you everything of the drop segment of the request.

Blingz Program

When you make a record on a Blingz.lk Property, we will consequently select you in the Blingz program. The Blingz program is a free program in which you get indicates compensate testaments, which are coupons for rebates on future buys at Blingz.lk. See Blingz.lk program terms.

Exclusive Rights

All substance included on or involving the Blingz.lk Properties, including data, information, programming, photos, charts, recordings, typefaces, designs, music, sounds and other material (all things considered "Substance") is ensured by copyright, trademark, patent or other restrictive rights, and these rights are substantial and secured in all structures, media and advances existing now or created later on. All Content is secured as an aggregate work under Srilanka and universal copyright laws, and Blingz.lk possesses, minus all potential limitations degree permitted by such laws, the copyright in the determination, coordination, game plan, and improvement of all Content. You may not evacuate or change any copyright, trademark or other exclusive notice contained in any Content you utilize, and you may not adjust or modify the Content, duplicate or post the Content on any system PC, or communicate the Content in any media. You may not duplicate, rub, outline, change, expel, erase, increase, add to, distribute, transmit, take part in the exchange or deal, rent or rental of, make subordinate works from or in any capacity abuse any of the Content, in entire or to some degree. The Blingz.lk Squad logos and different trademarks on the Blingz.lk Properties are the property of their individual proprietors and are possessed by, authorized to, or, where required, use with authorization by Blingz.lk and may not be replicated, duplicated, or controlled in any way without the express, composed endorsement of the trademark proprietor.

User Generated Content: Reviews, Comments, Communications, and Other Content

You may cooperate with the Blingz.lk Properties from numerous points of view, including Reviews and Ratings, recordings, Questions and Answers, Community Forums, tributes, and email correspondence. You thus concede Blingz.lk a never-ending, unavoidable, eminence free, transferable right and permit to use, alter, imitate, transmit, distribute, show, erase, and appropriate any data (aside from arrange information sent by means of email or telephone) or materials you share with us all through the world in any media, including when you enable Blingz.lk to highlight, content and pictures shared through web-based social networking (e.g. Facebook™, Twitter™, Instagram™, Pinterest™). You likewise allow us the privilege to utilize the name and web-based social networking, handle that you utilize when you share content with us regarding that substance. When you share substance to us, you will unveil any connection you have and you won't share anything that contains unsafe PC code, reference different sites, or is false, deceptive, illicit, defamatory, offensive, scornful, supremacist, one-sided, debilitating, or bothering.

Notice of Copyright

In the event that you trust that your copyrighted material may have encroached, please furnish the Blingz.lk Copyright Agent with the accompanying data in composing:

A physical or electronic mark of a man approved to follow up on the interest of the proprietor of a restrictive right that is professedly encroached

Distinguishing proof of the copyrighted work asserted to have been encroached, or if various copyrighted works at a solitary online webpage are secured by a solitary notice, an agent rundown of such works at that website

Distinguishing proof of the material that is asserted to encroach or to be the subject of encroaching action and that will be expelled or access to which is to be incapacitated, and data sensibly adequately to allow us to find the material Infomation sensibly adequate to allow us to get in touch with you, for example, an address, phone number, and if accessible, your email address

An announcement that you have a decent confidence, conviction that utilization of the material in the way griped of isn't approved by the copyright proprietor, its operator, or the law

An announcement that the data in the warning is exact, and under punishment of prevarication, that you are approved to follow up on the interest of the proprietor of a selective right that is professedly encroached.

Trademarks and Copyrights

Blingz.lk, Blingz logo, B for Blingz logo, Blingz, Blingz Fashion, Blingz Basics and different imprints showed on our Site are trademarks or enlisted trademarks in the significant jurisdiction(s). Our illustrations, logos, page headers, catch symbols, contents and services names are the trademarks or exchange dress and may not be utilized as a part of association with any item or administration that does not have a place with us or in any way that is probably going to cause disarray among clients, or in any way that decries or ruins us. Every single other trademark that shows up on this Site is the property of their particular proprietors, who might possibly be associated with, or supported by us.

All protected innovation rights, regardless of whether enrolled or unregistered, in the Site, data contained on the Site and all the web architecture, including, yet not constrained to, content, designs, programming, photographs, video, music, sound, and their choice and plan, and all product arrangements, basic source code and programming should remain our property. The whole substance of the Site additionally is secured by copyright as an aggregate work under Sri Lankan copyright laws and worldwide traditions. All rights are saved.


You recognize and embrace that you are getting to the services on the Site and executing at your own hazard and are using your best and judicious judgment before going into any exchanges through the Site. We should not be subject nor in charge of any activities or inactions of dealers nor any break of conditions, portrayals or guarantees by the vendors or the makers of the items and thus explicitly renounce and any all duty and risk in such manner. We might not intercede or resolve any debate or contradiction amongst you and the merchants or the makers of the items. We facilitate explicitly renounce any guarantees or portrayals (express or suggested) in regard of value, reasonableness, exactness, unwavering quality, culmination, auspiciousness, execution, security, wellness for a specific reason, or lawfulness of the items recorded or showed or executed or the substance (counting item or evaluating data or potentially details) on the Site. While we were played it safe to maintain a strategic distance from mistakes in content, this Site, all substance, data (counting the cost of items), programming, items, benefits and related designs are given as may be, without guarantee of any sort. We don't verifiable or expressly bolster or embrace the deal or buy of any items on the Site. At no time should any right, title or enthusiasm for the items sold through or showed on the Site vest with us, nor might Blingz have any commitments or liabilities in regard of any exchanges on the Site. We should not be at risk or in charge of any activities or inactions of some other specialist co-op as recorded on our Site which incorporates, however, isn't restricted to installment suppliers, portion offerings, guarantee services among others.


You should repay and hold innocuous Blingz as possessed by Blingz Limited, its backups, associates and their particular officers, executives, operators and workers, from any case or request, or activities including sensible lawyer's expenses, made by any outsider or punishment forced due to or emerging out of your rupture of these Terms and Conditions or any record joined by reference, or your infringement of any law, principles, controls or the privileges of an outsider. You thus explicitly discharge Blingz as possessed by and additionally its partners or potentially any of its officers and delegates from any cost, harm, risk or other result of any of the activities/inactions of the merchants or other specialist co-ops and particularly waiver any cases or requests that you may have for this sake under any statute, contract or something else.

Third Party Businesses

Gatherings other than Blingz, and its associates may work stores, give services, or offer product offerings on the Site. For instance, services and people offer items by means of the Marketplace. What's more, we give connects to the sites of associated services and certain different services. We are not in charge of inspecting or assessing, and we don't warrant or support the offerings of any of these services or people, or the substance of their sites. We don't accept any accountability or risk for the activities, items, and substance of any of these and any other outsiders. You can tell when an outsider is associated with your exchanges by auditing your exchange painstakingly, and we may share client data identified with those exchanges with that outsider. You ought to deliberately survey their protection proclamations and related terms and conditions.

Communicating With Us

When you visit the Site or send messages to us, you speak with us electronically. You will be required to give a substantial telephone number while submitting a request to us. We may speak with you by email, SMS, telephone call or by posting sees on the Site or by some other method of correspondence we utilize. For legally binding purposes, you agree to get correspondences (counting value-based, limited time and additionally business messages), from us regarding your using of the site (as well as the situation of your request) and consent to treat all methods of correspondence with a similar significance.


Notwithstanding some other legitimate or fair cures, we may, without earlier notice to you, instantly end the Terms and Conditions or deny any or the majority of your rights conceded under the Terms and Conditions. Upon any end of this Agreement, you might instantly stop all entrance to and using of the Site and we should, notwithstanding some other legitimate or evenhanded cures, quickly repudiate all password(s) and record ID issued to you and deny your entrance to and using of this Site in entire or to a limited extent. Any end of this assertion should not influence the separate rights and commitments (counting without impediment, installment commitments) of the gatherings emerging before the date of an end. You moreover concur that the Site might not be subject to you or to any other individual because of any such suspension or end. In the event that you are disappointed with the Site or with any terms, conditions, rules, arrangements, rules, or practices in working the Site, your sole and selective cure is to end using the Site.


If it's not too much trouble reading these conditions painstakingly before putting in a request for any items with the Sellers ("We" or "Our" or "Us", wherever appropriate) on the Site. These conditions connote your consent to be bound by these conditions.

a. Conditions Related To Sale Of The Product Or Service

This area manages conditions identifying with the offer of items or services on the Site.

b. The Contract

Your request is a lawful offer to the vendor to purchase the item or services showed on our Site. When you put in a request to buy an item, any affirmations or notices got preceding the dispatch of your request serves simply to approve the request subtle elements gave and not the slightest bit suggests the affirmation of the request itself. The acknowledgment of your request is viewed as affirmed when the item is dispatched to you. In the event that your request is dispatched in excess of one bundle, you may get separate dispatch affirmations. Endless supply of submitting the request, we demonstrate an inexact course of events that the preparing of your request will take anyway, we can't ensure this timetable to be thoroughly exact in each case as we are subject to outsider specialist co-ops to protect this dedication. We focus on you to try to guarantee that the demonstrative course of events is met.

All business/authoritative terms are offered by and consented to amongst you and the vendors alone. The business/legally binding terms incorporate without constraint value, shipping costs, installment strategies, installment terms, date, period and method of conveyance, guarantees identified with items and services and after deals administrations identified with items and services. Blingz do not have any control or does not decide or prompt or at all include itself in the offering or acknowledgment of such business/legally binding terms between you and the Sellers. The dealer holds the privilege to scratch off any request at its sole circumspection preceding dispatch. We will guarantee that there is an opportune suggestion to you of such cancelation by means of an email or SMS. Any prepayments presented in defense of such cancellation(s), should be discounted to you inside the time allotments stipulated here.

You affirm that the product(s) or service(s) requested by you are obtained for your inward/individual using and not for business re-deal. You approve us to pronounce and give a statement to any legislative expert for your sake expressing the previously mentioned reason for your requests on the Site. The Seller or the Site may scratch off a request where in the amounts surpass the average individual using. This applies both to the number of items requested inside a solitary request and the submitting of a few requests for a similar item where the individual requests include an amount that surpasses the regular individual using. That includes a run of the mill person's using amount constraint should be founded on different elements and at the sole tact of the Seller or our own and may shift from individual to person. You may drop your request at no cost whenever before the thing is dispatched to you.

If you don't mind take note of that we offer items just in amounts which relate to the run of the mill needs of a normal family. This applies both to the number of items requested in a solitary request and the submitting of a few requests for a similar item where the individual requests contain an amount run of the mill for an ordinary family unit.

c. Returns

It would be ideal if you check our Returns Policy for points of interest.

Pricing Availability And Order Processing

All costs are recorded in Rupees and are comprehensive of GST and are recorded on the Site by the dealer that is offering the item or administration. Things in your Shopping Cart will dependably mirror the latest cost showed on the thing's item detail page. If you don't mind take note of that this cost may contrast from the cost appeared for the thing when you initially put it in your truck. Setting a thing in your truck does not save the cost appeared around then. It is likewise conceivable that a thing's cost may diminish between the time you put it in your container and the time you buy it.

We don't offer cost coordinating for any things sold by any merchant on our Site or different sites.

We are resolved to give the most exact estimating data on the Site to our clients; in any case, mistakes may at present happen, for example, situations when the cost of a thing isn't shown accurately on the Site. Accordingly, we maintain all authority to reject or wipe out any request. If a thing is mispriced, we may, at our own prudence, either get in touch with you for guidelines or cross out your request and inform you of such cancelation. We should have the privilege to reject or scratch off any such requests regardless of whether the request has been affirmed and your prepayment prepared. In the event that such a cancelation happens on your prepaid request, our strategies for a discount will apply. We list accessibility data for items recorded on the Site, including on every item data page. Past what we say on that page or generally on the Site, we can't be more particular about accessibility. Kindly note that dispatch gauges are only that. They are not ensured dispatch times and ought not be depended upon in that capacity. As we process your request, you will be educated by email or sms if any items you arrange end up being inaccessible. If it's not too much trouble take note of that there are situations when a request can't be prepared for different reasons. The Site claims all authority to reject or wipe out any request for any reason at any given time. You might be requested to give extra checks or data, including yet not constrained to telephone number and address, before we acknowledge the request.

So as to keep away from any misrepresentation with credit or check cards, we maintain whatever authority is needed to acquire approval of your installment points of interest before giving you the item and to confirm the individual data you imparted to us. This confirmation can take the state of a character, place of home, or saving money data check. The nonappearance of an answer following such a request will consequently cause the cancelation of the request inside a sensible course of events. We maintain all authority to continue to coordinate cancelation of a request for which we presume a danger of false using of managing an account instruments or different reasons without earlier notice or any consequent legitimate obligation.

d. Taxes

You might be in charge of installment of all expenses/costs/accuses related of the buy of items from the Site and you consent to hold up under any appropriate assessments according to winning law.

e. Communcating With Us

When you visit the Site, or send messages to us, you are speaking with us electronically. You will be required to give a substantial telephone number while submitting a request with us. We may speak with you by email, SMS, telephone call or by posting sees on the Site or by some other method of correspondence we use. For legally binding purposes, you agree to get interchanges (counting value-based, limited time or potentially business messages), from us as for your use of the Site (or potentially situation of your request) and consent to treat all methods of correspondence with a similar significance.

f. Losses

We won't be in charge of any business or individual misfortunes (counting yet not constrained to loss of benefits, income, contracts, expected reserve funds, information, generosity, or squandered consumption) or some other circuitous or noteworthy misfortune that isn't sensibly predictable to both you and us when you started use the Site.

g. Change To Conditions Or Alterations Of Service And Related Promise

We claim all authority to roll out improvements to the Site, its strategies, these terms and conditions and some other openly showed condition or administration guarantee whenever. You will be liable to the strategies and terms and conditions in drive at the time you utilized the Site unless any change to those approaches or these conditions is required to be made by law or government specialist (in which case it will apply to orders already put by you). In the event that any of these conditions is considered invalid, void, or for any reason unenforceable, that condition will be regarded severable and won't influence the legitimacy and enforceability of any residual condition.

h. Event Beyond Our Control

We won't be considered in charge of any postponement or inability to consent to our commitments under these conditions if the deferral or disappointment emerges from any reason which is past our sensible control. This condition does not influence your statutory rights.

i. Waiver

You recognize and perceive that we are a private business venture and claim all authority to lead business to accomplish our destinations in a way we consider fit. You additionally recognize that on the off chance that you break the conditions expressed on our Site and we make no move, we are as yet qualified for utilizing our rights and cures in whatever other circumstance where you rupture these conditions.

j. Law And Jurisdiction

These terms and conditions are represented by and understood as per the laws of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka. You concur, as we do, to submit to the restrictive ward of the courts in Colombo.

k. Warranties

We don't make any portrayal or guarantee as to specifics, (for example, quality, esteem, attractiveness, and so on) of the items or administrations inclined to be sold on the Site when items or administrations are sold by outsiders. We don't certainly or unequivocally bolster or embrace the deal or buy of any items or administrations on the Site. We acknowledge no risk for any blunders or oversights, regardless of whether in the interest of itself or outsiders.

We are not in charge of any non-execution or rupture of any agreement went into amongst you and the venders. We can't and don't ensure your activities or those of the vendors as they close exchanges on the Site. We are not required to intercede or resolve any question or difference emerging from exchanges happening on our Site.

We don't any time of time amid any exchange as went into by you with an outsider on our Site, pick up title to or have any rights or claims over the items or administrations offered by a dealer. Along these lines, we don't have any commitments or liabilities in regard to such contract(s) went into amongst you and the seller(s). We are not in charge of the unacceptable or deferred execution of administrations or harms or postponements because of items which are out of stock, inaccessible or put in a raincheck for.

Valuing on any product(s) or related data as thought about the Site may because of some specialized issue, typographical mistake or other reason by wrong as distributed and subsequently, you acknowledge that in such conditions the vendor or the Site may cross out your request without earlier notice or any risk emerging accordingly. Any prepayments made for such requests will be discounted to you per our discount approach as stipulated here.